Appligent Labs

AcroForms vs. XFA/AEM Forms: Dynamic Report Generation with JavaScript

Written by Jeanne Petty | Sep 24, 2024 8:45:16 PM

PDF forms have long evolved from simple data entry tools into robust applications that can dynamically generate reports, graphs, and tables. Both AcroForms and XFA/AEM forms support the use of JavaScript for data-driven functionality, enabling the creation of interactive and dynamic visual representations. In this post, we will explore the strengths and weaknesses of AcroForms and XFA/AEM forms, focusing on how JavaScript can be leveraged to create dynamic charts, reports, and graphs, and how these forms function across different PDF viewers.

Introduction to AcroForms and XFA/AEM Forms

AcroForms are the more widely supported format for PDF forms, offering basic dynamic interactions through standard form fields and the use of JavaScript. These forms are great for simple, static reports, and are compatible with a wide range of PDF viewers. XFA/AEM forms, developed by Adobe, offer far more dynamic capabilities, allowing forms to adapt layouts and content based on user input. However, these forms require Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader to function properly and are not supported by most PDF viewers.

JavaScript for Dynamic Data Visualization

Both AcroForms and XFA/AEM forms integrate JavaScript, however the ways in which it can be leveraged differ.

  • AcroForms:
    • JavaScript is used for field validation, calculations, and generating basic charts or tables based on user input. However, any charts or graphs generated must fit into predefined areas of the form.
    • While the graph or chart may be dynamic, these areas are static in terms of layout, meaning the form cannot reflow or adjust its layout based on data.  For example, a table can only possess a set number of rows while the color or data in those rows may be changed programmatically.
  • XFA/AEM Forms:
    • With far greater flexibility, XFA/AEM forms use JavaScript in the same ways, but with the advantage of a dynamic layout. The form can adjust itself based on the data input, rearranging fields or sections and accommodating more variability in graphs, charts and tables. In these forms, a table can generate a specific number of rows based upon the data requirements, and the rest of the form will reflow to accommodate the change in scope.
    • This allows for a more dynamic user experience, where content adjusts to data input without predefined layout constraints.

Generating Charts, Graphs, and Tables

Both AcroForms and XFA/AEM forms can generate visual data representations such as charts, bar and line graphs, and tables based upon data stored in the form and entered by the user.


AcroForms can generate graphic visualizations that adjust color and values, but within a predefined space.

  • Predefined Graphs: AcroForms can use JavaScript to update pre-allocated spaces with graphical data representations. For instance, in a sales report form, users can enter data, and a simple bar chart can populate within a predefined box on the form.

XFA/AEM Forms:

In contrast, XFA/AEM can also generate these dynamic visualizations, but they can also adjust their layout in response to the data provided.

  • Dynamic Layouts: XFA/AEM forms can add or remove fields, resize charts, or change table rows on the fly based on input. 
  • Complex Data Representations: XFA/AEM forms can handle more complex visualizations, such as donut charts. For example, a user entering sales data could see a dynamically generated donut chart representing each product’s sales contribution to the overall revenue.

Viewer Compatibility

One of the most critical differences between AcroForms and XFA/AEM forms lies in viewer compatibility.

  • AcroForms:
    • AcroForms are supported for display by nearly all PDF viewers, including web browsers like Chrome and Firefox. This broad compatibility makes AcroForms more accessible to users.
    • Complex javascript operations however can only be executed in Adobe Acrobat or have full support in advanced PDF viewers such as Foxit, Nitro or PDF Expert for mobile devices.
  • XFA/AEM Forms:
    • XFA/AEM forms are restricted to Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Reader with some support in other PDF specific viewers. Browsers and mobile devices do not support the dynamic functionality and typically will not even allow users to view these PDFs. This limitation can be a significant drawback for organizations that require widespread accessibility across devices and platforms.

Offline and Standalone Application Capabilities

Both AcroForms and XFA/AEM forms can function as standalone applications, even without an internet connection.

The JavaScript functionality, such as calculating totals or generating static reports, works in both types of forms without requiring any external server interaction. However, users must have Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader installed on their devices to access XFA/AEM forms and to engage the full functionality of AcroForms using JavaScript. 

This offline capability makes PDF forms particularly useful for fieldwork, where data collection often happens offline.  It also provides a measure of security for users collecting sensitive data as it can remain local to their device if needed.

Advantages and Disadvantages


  • Advantages:
    • Broad compatibility with most PDF viewers.
    • Simple and effective for basic data collection and static report generation.
    • JavaScript can generate charts and tables, though these must fit within predefined areas.
  • Disadvantages:
    • Limited dynamic layout capabilities.
    • Less flexible for complex data visualizations or reflowing content.

XFA/AEM Forms:

  • Advantages:
    • Highly dynamic and flexible, capable of adjusting layout and visual elements on the fly.
    • Ideal for complex reports, tables, and data visualizations such as donut charts.
  • Disadvantages:
    • Limited compatibility, requiring Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader.
    • More complex to develop and maintain compared to AcroForms.


PDF Forms have the potential to not only collect data, but provide data analysis, reports and visualizations using JavaScript. Choosing between AcroForms and XFA/AEM forms depends on your specific needs and the level of interactivity required. AcroForms are a great solution for simpler forms that need to work across a wide range of PDF viewers, offering basic report generation with JavaScript. For more complex, dynamic interactions—such flexible charts, tables, and responsive layouts—XFA/AEM forms offer the better solution, though at the cost of viewer compatibility.

Whether you're generating a static table or a dynamic donut chart, both AcroForms and XFA/AEM forms provide powerful tools for creating interactive PDF applications. Understanding their strengths and limitations will help you choose the right solution for your project.